“Webradio” became “Tracks”. Numerous enquiries with the content “Can’t find the webradio anymore” land in our mailbox. Where did it disappear to? In the course of moving the data from the old server to the clouds of the internet, changes also had to be made to the webradio. All complete recordings are now included in the “Tracks” link (where “Webradio” used to be). In any case, you can now listen to all the complete recordings again.
How does this makeshift work? Please copy the item number of the desired piece of music, for example (see figure 1):
…and insert the article number in the corresponding field (see figure 2)
Here in this case you will get 2 tracks of this title as a result, which you can now listen to.
Alternatively, you can enter a title you are looking for in the field “Title Notes” (example Figure 3):
You will then receive all the tracks of this item. On the left you will find the title, via which you can switch to the corresponding notes, on the right the CD from which the recording originates.
We will optimise this service in the next few weeks (after the holidays). At the moment you have to copy the item number or title by hand and paste it into the track list. We will make this more practical and we ask for your understanding if the present solution does not quite represent the state of the art. We welcome any further suggestions from you.