
2025: A whole year of New Year’s concerts!

The year 2025 is all about a musical giant: Johann Strauss Sohn. The “Waltz King”, as he is affectionately known, would have celebrated his birthday this year. 200. Birthday Celebrated. His music, especially the world-famous waltzes, has shaped the classical music world for generations and is an integral part of

2025: A whole year of New Year’s concerts! Weiterlesen »

Gone with the Wind – Max Steiner on the 50th Anniversary of his Death

Max Steiner was born in Vienna’s Leopoldstadt in the Hotel Nordbahn and came from a wealthy theatre dynasty that was friends with many composers. Sein Großvater Maximilian Steiner war unter anderem Direktor am Theater an der Wien, und sein Vater Gabor Steiner arbeitete in Wien ebenfalls als Theaterdirektor. Mit einem

Gone with the Wind – Max Steiner on the 50th Anniversary of his Death Weiterlesen »

Arthur Schnitzler: Provocateur per excellence

These days, exactly on 21 October, the 90th anniversary of the death of the doctor, storyteller and playwright Arthur Schnitzler was commemorated. Like Thomas Bernhard in the 20th century, Arthur Schnitzler at the turn of the century 18/19 was considered a provocateur per exzellente for the “upper society” and militaria

Arthur Schnitzler: Provocateur per excellence Weiterlesen »

Viennese Ronacher Theater: CATS – A legend returns!

The German-language premiere took place directly after London and New York in Vienna and ran for seven years without interruption. And the success doesn’t stop: Only recently, new CATS productions in London and New York inspired the audience. More than 73 million people in 30 countries and 16 languages worldwide

Viennese Ronacher Theater: CATS – A legend returns! Weiterlesen »

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