The music publisher Doblinger has been considered one of the main pillars of the music country Austria for more than 140 years. The traditional family business is managed by Peter Pany in the fifth generation and is located in Vienna’s Dorotheergasse – still the first address for all music publications.
The demands on a music publisher in the 21st century have changed drastically compared to the early days. For a long time now, a publishing house has not only fulfilled the task of producing and distributing published musical works. Close networks with artists, agencies, orchestras and event organisers and thus acting as a link or hub between composers and performers has become an important part of our work. We also take account of technical developments by using the latest technologies of music notation programmes, but also by cooperating with music platforms and the associated digitisation of sheet music.
The new era of digitalisation has also dawned at Doblinger and is reflected in the new homepage of the publishing house. The company’s complete programme is presented in a modern, up-to-date and clear manner.