Of course, publishers like to report on their new editions. on their new arrangements of popular music, on new arrangements of classical works and on new compositions by contemporary composers. That is legitimate. However, musicainfo.net as your information medium does not only want to offer you the latest new releases, rather we want to provide you with deeper insights into works that were published a long time ago. Thus, our staff will also continuously supplement and complete the “older” compositions with additional information. So a programme of old and new is not a contradiction.

From the music publisher Frank from Luterbach in Switzerland, almost 400 titles have been updated, scores and music examples supplemented and sound samples added. Unfortunately, some works have also been marked “out of print”. Musikverlag Frank offers an extremely extensive range for wind orchestras and brass bands in all categories and levels of difficulty.

The Robert Martin publishing house in Charnay les Macon, France, features many French composers. However, this does not mean that the offer is locally oriented, rather it is about works and arrangements for the international market. Many sound recordings and scores lead you into the world of French music.

The music publisher Ewoton is located in Queidersbach near Kaiserlautern. Its programme includes many entertaining pieces by various orchestras that have devoted themselves to Bohemian wind music. But well-known arrangers have also prepared classical works for the publisher. If you search, you will find here.

“Portraits” is the name given by the HaFaBra publishing house from Belgium to a collection of first-class works from its publishing house. Louis Martinus from Fourons is known for his contacts to top-class composers. The present publishing catalogue includes works by Hardy Mertens, Roland Smeets, Derek Bourgeois, Pascal Devroye, Suzanne Welters, Jean-Pierre Haeck and Jose Schyns. Both original works and adaptations can be found in this collection.

Gerhard Nesselhauf is responsible for the publishing programme at Verlag Scherbacher from Hechingen-Boll, Germany. We have updated and added about 40 works from his programme in the last few days.