As the Dutch information platform reports, the composer, arranger and conductor Willy Hautvast died suddenly at the age of 87 years in his home town Nijmegen on 6.05.2020.
Born in Maastricht, the musician was, among other things, clarinettist in the Royal Dutch Air Force Chapel. During this time he arranged about 250 works for this orchestra. After his career in the Royal Dutch Air Force Chapel, he was appointed head of the Hafa and Classical Music Department at the Muziekcentrum De Lindenberg in Nijmegen.
From 1960 he began to publish arrangements and compositions. About 300 compositions and arrangements were published by his hand. In 1970 he won first prize in the Hilvarenbeek Composition Competition with his work Festal Suite. Willy Hautvast was for many years a member of the jury commission for concert competitions and examiner at the federal music examinations. He also conducted various orchestras. On November 12, 2017 he retired as conductor of the Nijmeegs Seniors’ Orkest (NSO), which he himself had founded in 1977. (Source:
List of works in
CD recordings with works by Willy Hautvast