Frank Bernaerts has been distributing his compositions and arrangements since 1989.

Frank Bernaerts was born on 28 February 1967 in Willebroek (Belgium). His first musical inspiration was his grandfather, a great music lover and conductor of the local music association. Already at the age of 8 he became more and more interested in the brass music scene. Later he studied at the Music Academy of Willebroek, at the Municipal Music School of Mechelen and at the Lemmens Institute in Leuven. Since 1989 he has been delivering his own compositions and arrangements.
In 1992 he founded his publishing house Bernaerts Music BVBA (GmbH). His aim was to make the company from Willebroek (Belgium) one of the leading music publishers for wind orchestra, fanfare and brass band. Bernaerts Music began with the worldwide distribution of sheet music and CDs by leading dealers. To ensure an optimal infrastructure, a new office building was built in 1996.
All pieces of music, from the idea to the finished product, have since been produced in the same building. In 2000, Bernaerts Music was one of the first music publishers to enter the digital world. A first web shop went online and orders can now be placed directly via the website. In 2018, the website was completely redesigned into a real e-commerce webshop, based on a current and functional layout.

In his catalogue “New Music, Bestsellers and Highlights” Bernaerts brings current popular music and a whole list “New Music for Christmas”. You know: after Christmas is before Christmas! It’s not up to Bernaerts Publishing that this information is passed on to you late. Rather, it is our intensive work to link a lot of background information and further links. The better the research, the less work for you as a user.
Bernaerts New Music for Symphonic Wind Orchestra/Harmony Orchestra
Bernaert’s new music for fanfare orchestra
Bernaerts new music for BrassBands
Bernaerts also offers a nice selection for school orchestras with flexible instrumentation.