It was almost a year ago to the day that the last concert of the association took place. It was carnival Saturday and the club ball. Many sketches were on the programme. One of them was about Corona. But Corona could not take a joke. It took revenge with the pandemic and since then there has been no public performance. This will have repercussions on the cultural landscape: publishing houses (almost) no longer sell anything, there are no registrations with the authors’ societies. Therefore, with a time lag, there will also be lower or no royalties for publishers and composers. How many publishing houses will close down or be swallowed up by larger multinationals? Dark snow clouds are gathering, a winter storm has been announced and low temperatures are predicted. Hopefully this only applies to the season and not to cultural life in the coming years.
With this in mind, we hope for better times,
Your team from the “Association for Music Information”
Helmut Schwaiger