We need space. All CDs have been digitized and are available as complete recordings on web radio. Therefore the CDs should be sold to members of our organisation at a reasonable price. Each CD costs only € 5,95 ! However, usually only one copy is in stock. So if sold = no subsequent delivery possible! If a CD in the list below is indicated as “sold out”, it can still be shipped from our archive stock.
Order process: please do not order CDs from this list via the shopping cart, as these orders will be automatically forwarded to the delivery partner. But this has nothing to do with our campaign! So if you are interested in CDs from our archive, please send me an email to: heli@musicainfo.net stating your username in the database and the article number given in the list (copy article number and paste it into the email).
Here is the current August list
And here the complete archive storage list