Germany’s Federal Association of German Music Associations (bdmv) divides its music clubs into 6 performance levels. From D1 (easy) to D6 (highest level), lists of works for the brass bands are offered for each performance level, which can be used for scoring games. In the works for performance level D5 have now also been updated and provided with corresponding links. Updated are thus the levels D2, D3, D4 and D5.
Almost 200 works are included in the D5 list. Among them are both established compositions by famous wind music composers as well as works by young composers from Europe, USA and Japan.
We are currently working on list D6, the highest performance level of the bdmv. Finally the power level D1 will follow, so that the complete list for Germany should be updated by the end of April. We wish you a lot of fun in your search for suitable works and above all good luck with your scoring games.