In the last newsletter we reported about the plan to add tags to our database. In addition to keywords, with which you can already select, tags are used to find works with a certain subject area. Several members have told us “good tags”, with which they have put together a concert program.
One enquiry said it was a pity that composers could not be searched for countries. Our answer is: yes, you can. To do this, you have to open the “Composers/contributors” database and enter the internationally used country code in brackets in the “Full text search” line:
(at) = Austrian authors
(be) = Belgian artists
(ca) = Canadian composers
(de) = German composers, etc….
In addition, you may be able to enter a century if you are only looking for artists from a certain time. Or you can enter a month if you want to have composers born/dead in a certain month. With the filter “Birth/ Baptism/ Founding” and “Death/ Burial/ Disbanding” you have additional playful results.
What keywords/tags have you been looking for in your database lately? Were the results satisfactory? Perhaps you also have suggestions on how we should offer tags in the future. Please send messages to: