The ravages of time gnaw on our Internet radios

In the year 2000 the sheet music database went to the international net. Seen in electronic terms, this was almost like the Stone Age. Since then a lot has developed, some things have been eliminated, others have been improved. Last year, we launched a survey to determine, among other things, the use of Internet radio stations. It turned out that some of these stations are only used by very few people. YouTube and some other new media have taken on a new meaning here. The “Verein für Musikinformation” as the operator of the music channels pays monthly royalties to AKM and AUME for each individual channel.
This development must now be taken into account. Therefore the executive committee of the association decided to close all music stations, except the much used “Wunschkonzert” radio. We want to expand this station for this purpose. So far one could put down maximally 10 titles into the desire concert, in the future there are up to 20 titles (the 21. deletes the first). Further the titles remain up to 24 hours in the Web radio preserved (so far 3 hours). Of course, full members can directly access the individual tracks and skip or repeat unwanted titles. The whole thing as before without advertising.
It was also agreed with AKM that a streaming service would be developed with which the complete recording could be accessed directly. This means that in the future you will no longer need to place the title on the “Wunschkonzert-Radio” detour, but can listen directly to the track. This offer requires some programming work, which we will develop in the next weeks. Until then, our full members will have unrestricted access to the web radio “Wunschkonzert”.
For suggestions, improvements and new ideas to our plans we are always open and ready to implement these.