Oscar winner Burt Bacharach died
Burt Bacharach was an American composer, pianist and singer known for his work in pop music and film.
Oscar winner Burt Bacharach died Weiterlesen »
Burt Bacharach was an American composer, pianist and singer known for his work in pop music and film.
Oscar winner Burt Bacharach died Weiterlesen »
The 23-time Grammy-winning artist died of a rare cancer at the age of 79 on 09.02.2021, Corea’s official Facebook page and website announced. Corea won more Grammys than any other jazz musician. Born Armando Anthony Corea in 1941 in Chelsea, Massachusetts, he was considered one of the most important representatives
Jazz legend Chick Corea dead at 79 Weiterlesen »
…but nobody the composer! Someone wrote: “Actually I like it, this clucking, which reminds me more of chickens than popcorn. It’s kind of legendary, and it’s definitely better than the chicken dance… “The piece was composed by Gershon Kingsley, who first recorded it in 1969 for his album Music to
Popcorn – everybody knows the song… Weiterlesen »