Make a wish!

A simple Wish – longings and hopes of the human heart

“A Simple Wish” by Alan Fernie is a moving and sensitive composition that captures the deep longings and hopes of the human heart. Through the subtle beauty of music, she reminds us that even the simplest wishes and hopes can have a transformative power, and that they can accompany and inspire us on our journey through life.

A simple Wish – longings and hopes of the human heart Weiterlesen »

Barbie & Marshmallows

“Barbie” and the song “Dance the Night”

Overall, Michael Story’s arrangement of “Dance the Night” for young wind orchestra is a wonderful way to experience the magic of Barbie through music and inspire young musicians to discover their passion for making music. With its catchy melody and infectious rhythm, this piece is sure to leave a lasting impression on both musicians and audience alike.

“Barbie” and the song “Dance the Night” Weiterlesen »

Musicainfo Radio Update An innovation for brass music fans and more

The introduction of in 2001 was a groundbreaking development for fans of brass music and other genres. This radio station offers an exclusive platform for those who are passionate about brass music, while at the same time choral music and other musical genres also find their place. What makes An innovation for brass music fans and more Weiterlesen »

Arnold Schoenberg

Arnold Schönberg – An anniversary in the world of music

Arnold Schönberg, one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, is being celebrated this year with a significant anniversary in the world of music. Schönberg, born on 13 September 1874 in Vienna, revolutionized the world of music with his innovative compositional techniques and his contribution to the development of atonal and twelve-tone music.

Arnold Schönberg – An anniversary in the world of music Weiterlesen »

Compact Disc

The CD is dead, long live the CD: a look back at an iconic medium

In an era where streaming services and digital downloads have become the dominant forms of music consumption, one could easily get the impression that the CD as a medium for music playback is long past its prime. But despite the digital revolution and the advent of new technologies, the CD lives on and its unique artistic and cultural significance remains.

The CD is dead, long live the CD: a look back at an iconic medium Weiterlesen »

Marco Polo: a legacy of discovery and cultural exchange

In 2024, we will commemorate the 700th anniversary. The anniversary of the death of one of the greatest explorers and mediators in history: Marco Polo. Seven centuries later, his travels and his work, “Il Milione”, remain a living testimony to human curiosity, the thirst for knowledge and intercultural exchange.

Marco Polo: a legacy of discovery and cultural exchange Weiterlesen »

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