Paul Noble is a renowned music teacher and arranger for wind and jazz orchestras in America. And he runs the download music publisher in the USA. Paul Noble and his publishing team support both students and trained musicians with their Corona Helpline during the time they need to be at home. This campaign has now been extended until the end of May 2020 and a further title has been added.

Paul Noble writes to us: “To fill the free time, the publisher offers four titles to choose from, which you can download for free and then send the individual pdf files to each player together with the address of our website for access to the audio files. This way they can learn new music, and who knows, maybe the piece will be ready to be performed when we return to normality!
The titles we offer are:
Nun danket alle Gott -Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Caridad – Gareth Glyn
Holberg Overture from the Masquerade Suite – Johan Halvorsen
Suite of Cotswold Folkdances 6. Princess Royal – Philip Lane, Arr. Paul Noble
To make it easy for you, please send me an e-mail with your choice and I will send you the file directly by e-mail. You can see the description and listen to the audio file on the website, but the request must be made directly by email and not through the website. Otherwise the normal fee will be charged. Music really is the international language we rely on in these times of crisis”.
So please send your request directly to:
This action ends with 31.05.2020.