A concert speaker who has nothing to say? No matter whether a programme booklet or a speaker on stage: an explanation of the individual works is always in demand. This information should be factual and perhaps spiced with a little humour. The texts shouldn’t be too long and still arouse curiosity about the coming work. A good concert accompaniment can therefore have a considerable effect on your success.
In order to be able to say something and report something, your database www.musicainfo.net. will help you. You can find thousands of short and longer texts about the works in it. These texts can be reworded and redesigned, so they serve as a basis for your reports. Additional links to informative pages will provide you with additional basic knowledge.
In the future, we would like to convert www.musicainfo.net into an open database in which you can not only retrieve information, but also supplement it. At the moment you should send the shorter or longer reports by email to our editorial office, which will then assign them to the corresponding work or composer. Later it is planned that you can enter these reports directly and that they will be released after a certain delay. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
You have nothing to say? So with your sheet music database www.musicainfo.net you always have the corresponding texts…..
Please send reports and texts to: heli@musicainfo.net
Kind regards from Austria, Helmut Schwaiger