For a project spanning several countries, the question arose: how to find contemporary, still living composers from certain parts of a country in the database. For example, composers from Upper Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol or the canton of Aargau. There are results, perhaps a little fuzzy, but quite satisfactory as an aid.
Open the database “Composers/Contributors” and enter the search field as shown. For example, if you are looking for composers from Upper Austria, enter the following data in the line “Full text search”: (at) for Austria, the keyword “Uper Austria” (Attention: some browsers do not tolerate umlaut, then enter the simple “o” instead of the “ö”, i.e. Upper Austria), possibly you can also add the keyword “Composer”. At “birth/baptism/foundation” you choose in the field “century”. “19” (all birth dates beginning with 19xx are selected). Start search. It should result in this list.
For “Bavaria” you type: (de) Bavaria, century: 19
for “South Tyrol”: (it) South Tyrol, century: 19
for “Aargau”: (ch) Aargau, century: 19
The result is unclear because all composers are listed, even if they have already died. Thus, only those names are used for which no year of death has yet been indicated. The name leads to the data sheet and in the field “Sheet Music” to the composer’s works/editations, in the field “Books” to publications by or about the composer, in the field “CDs/DVDs” to the corresponding recordings.
Errors or missing data are possible and if you have improvements or additions, please report them to us.